Seven Statements about the Son: Exact Imprint of God’s Nature
Thursday, June 7, 2007 at 8:36PM
rebecca in Christology, series

Hebrews 1:2b-3 contains seven statements about Christ, the Son of God. This post examines the fourth of those seven statements: [The Son] is … the exact imprint of his nature. As I did in the first post in this series, I’ll start with the ending phrase and then move forward to the first phrase.

Can you see how closely related this statement is to the previous one, which said that Christ is the radiance of God’s glory? That Christ is the radiance of God’s glory means that he show us all of what God is. So, also, with this statement. Christ is the exact imprint of God’s nature, which means that he shows us exactly what God is. These are, I think, parallel statements. I bet you’re not surprised that the church fathers used this statement latest in their arguments against the Arians, too.
What does the statement that Christ is the exact imprint of God’s nature mean for us?
Can you think of other things to add to the list of what this statement means for us?  Is there anything else you’d like to add or discuss?
Article originally appeared on Rebecca Writes (
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