Theological Term of the Week
Tuesday, October 25, 2011 at 7:45PM
rebecca in theological terms

Belgic Confession
The oldest of the doctrinal standards of the Reformed Churches, written mainly by Guido de Bras, a preacher of the Reformed churches of the Netherlands, in 1561.

  • From The Belgic Confession of Faith and the Canons of Dordt by Joel R. Beeke:
  • The year after it was written, a copy of the Confession was sent to King Philip II together with an address in which the petitioners declared that they were ready to obey the government in all things lawful, but that they would “offer their backs to stripes, their tongues to knives, their mouths to gags, and their whole bodies to the fire, well knowing that those who follow Christ must take his cross and deny themselves,” rather than deny the truth expressed in this Confession. Neither the Confession nor the petition, however, bore the desired fruit of toleration for Protestants with the Spanish authorities. In 1567, de Bres became one martyr among thousands who sealed their faith with blood. Nevertheless, his work has endured as a convincing statement of Reformed doctrine. 

Learn more:

  1. Theopedia: Belgic Confession
  2. Joel R. Beeke: The Belgic Confession of Faith and the Canons of Dordt
  3. Kim Riddlebarger: A Commentary on the Belgic Confession
  4. Rev. C. Bouwman: Notes on the Belgic Confession
  5. Immanuel’s Reformed Church: Sermon series on the Belgic Confession
  6. Kevin DeYoung: The Belgic Confession and the Hero No One Remembers
Related terms:

Filed under Creeds and Confessions.

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