My domain is still not working, at least as I write this, so if you want to reach my actual site, you’ll have to use I spent a long time on the phone with my domain host this afternoon, and I was assured that the problem should be fixed “in an hour or by the end of the day.” I’m not sure what that means, exactly, but it means at least this: I shouldn’t panic yet.
More Free Ones
I will be giving away a copy of Living for God’s Glory - An Introduction to Calvinism by Dr. Joel R. Beeke. This was written for “lay-people and ministers who are interested in learning the basics of Calvinism.” The book includes a brief history of Calvinism and detailed chapters on the doctrines including TULIP and the solas. There are also sections covering the relationship of reformed theology to the the heart, the church, our practice, and the ultimate goal - doxology.
The draw ends on March 30.
This book would be a wonderful addition to any home, preschool, kindergarten, early elementary school, or church library. It could be used as a book for adults to read to youngsters or for beginning readers to read themselves. If there is a little person in your life who needs a first Bible, the Read and Share Bible would be an excellent choice.
I’ve entered my name because I think this would be a good addition to my church’s library.
For Toddlers
Someone was looking for books for babies and toddlers in my church library recently and we didn’t have any. Our collection starts with books for preschoolers and go up from there, so I’ve been thinking that I need to order at least a couple of baby books. Conveniently, this list of suggestions for Easter books for the wee ones (Let the Nations Be Glad) came across my feed-reader this morning, giving me a few suggestions already.