Selected Reading 
Friday, July 26, 2019 at 3:30AM
rebecca in links

I read or listened to these recently and recommend them to you.

Church History

Who Was Zwingli?
One branch of my ancestors goes back to the early Swiss reformer Heinrich Bullinger, so I was naturally interested in this video about Huldrych Zwingli, who was Bullinger’s predecessor. (Somewhere along the line, my branch of the Bullinger/Bollinger family became Swiss Anabaptists. I wonder what Zwingli would think of that?)


Theological English
Do you know someone who might find this book useful? “With thirty lessons covering the major genres of theology (apologetics, biblical studies, church history, systematic theology, and practical theology), Theological English invites you to develop your English skills while actively putting them to use.” 

Here’s a sample chapter.

Four Views on the Lord’s Supper
Another good one from the Simply Put podcast. (Zwingli makes an appearance here, too.)

Hard Questions

Did Jesus Preach the Gospel to People In Hell During the Two Days He Was Dead?
“Down through the ages, some Christians have taught that during these two days between Good Friday and Easter morning Jesus went to Hades and preached the gospel to people there.” Are they right? ​ 

Article originally appeared on Rebecca Writes (
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