Sunday Hymn: Jesus, Thou Joy of Loving Hearts
Sunday, August 4, 2024 at 7:06AM
rebecca in Sunday's hymn




Jesus, Thou Joy of lov­ing hearts,
Thou Fount of life, Thou Light of men,
From the best bliss that earth im­parts,
We turn un­filled to Thee again.

Thy truth un­changed hath ev­er stood;
Thou sav­est those that on Thee call;
To them that seek Thee Thou art good,
To them that find Thee all in all.

We taste Thee, O Thou liv­ing Bread,
And long to feast up­on Thee still;
We drink of Thee, the Fount­ain­head,
And thirst our souls from Thee to fill.

Our rest­less spir­its yearn for Thee,
Wherever our change­ful lot is cast;
Glad when Thy gra­cious smile we see,
Blessed when our faith can hold Thee fast.

O Je­sus, ev­er with us stay,
Make all our mo­ments calm and bright;
Chase the dark night of sin away,
Shed ov­er the world Thy ho­ly light

—Ber­nard of Clair­vaux

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