Theological Term of the Week: Solus Christus
Thursday, February 13, 2025 at 2:30AM
rebecca in theological terms
solus Christus

Literally, “Christ alone.” The reformation slogan which emphasises the truth that salvation is based entirely in the mediatorial work of Christ, and no other work or merit contributes to human salvation. It highlights Christ’s sinless life and substitutionary death as the sufficient and sole grounds on which those who are being saved receive every benefit of salvation.

Learn more:

  1. Blair Smith: What Does “Solus Christus” Mean?
  2. Sinclair Ferguson: Here We Stand in Christ Alone
  3. Michael Horton:  Solus Christus: Christ Our Only Mediator
  4. Derek Thomas: Knowing Our Only Mediator
  5. J. C. Ryle: Beware of Mingling Anything of Your Own With Christ
  6. Stephen J. Wellum: Solus Christus: What the Reformers Taught and Why It Still Matters

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Filed under Reformed Theology

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