Rebecca Stark is the author of The Good Portion: Godthe second title in The Good Portion series.

The Good Portion: God explores what Scripture teaches about God in hopes that readers will see his perfection, worth, magnificence, and beauty as they study his triune nature, infinite attributes, and wondrous works. 



Round the Sphere Again: Three on the Trinity

No Single Verse
states the whole doctrine, and yet it’s the key to the whole Bible (Justin Taylor quoting Fred Sanders).

No Misleading Analogies
Carl Trueman on teaching the Trinity to kids:

Young children do not generally think in abstractions; thus a lot of theological content simply passes them by; but the teacher can instill in them knowledge of a form of sound words which subsequent intellectual growth under the preaching of the word will flesh out.  The danger is that young minds can be taken captive early on by bad pictures; and these bad pictures then distort what they hear preached and taught as they grow up.

(Reformation21 Blog)

Not From Anathanasius
A concise history of the Athanasian creed.

This creed is an example of how the church, throughout history, has a concern for the great truths of the faith. The Athanasian Creed was not merely an add-on to the appendix of a church constitution. Instead, the church connected the theology of the Creed to the daily life of faith. As such, the Athanasian Creed provides us with a beautiful example of the interplay between theology and worship.

(The Resurgence)


A Forensic Declaration

From 40 Questions About Christians and Biblical Law, by Thomas R. Schreiner, in the section on justification, on the Old Testament background for the righteousness of God:

It is … instructive to note that righteousness in the Old Testament is often forensic in nature. For instance, Deuteronomy 25:1 presupposes that judges will “acquit the innocent and condemn the guilty” (my translation). Clearly, the judges do not make a person righteous or guilty but declare whether the person under trial is innocent or guilty. God himself says that he “will not acquit the wicked” (Exod. 23:7), which means that he will not declare the wicked to be in the right. Similarly, Proverbs 17:13 declares, “He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous are both alike an abomination to the Lord.” …. What is evident here is that judges do not make someone righteous or wicked. They render a forensic declaration based on the reality that is before them. Unrighteous judges “acquit the guilty for a bribe” (Isa. 5:23; cf. 2 Sam. 15:4). God’s righteousness as a judge is explained in Solomon’s prayer as “condemning the guilty by bringing his conduct on his own head and vindicating the righteous by rewarding him according to his righteousness” (1 Kings 8:32).

Schreiner goes on to list several more places in Job and Isaiah that show the forensic character of righteousness, concluding that while the word righteousness can carry a few different meanings in the Old Testament, frequently referring to God’s “saving righteousness by which he delivers his people because of his steadfast love,”  it “is often forensic, addressing whether the defendant is innocent or guilty before the divine judge.”


Thankful Thursday


I’m thankful for a rainy day so that I have a good reason to let the yard and garden be for a day (and maybe more). I’m thankful God gave me the energy and strength to mow the backyard last night so that I don’t have to worry about it becoming an unmowable jungle if it rains for a few days. 

I’m thankful for a good report from the dental hygienist. 

I’m thankful for more fresh raspberries and more jam on the counter. I’m thankful for lots of little ripe tomatoes on my tumbler tomato plant. I’m thankful that the world God made gives us food to eat and enjoy.

I’m thankful for wise moves my financial planner made last year and earlier this year. I see this as God’s provision for me and I’m thankful to him for it. I’m thankful for that God gives us what we need before we recognize our need for it.

Throughout this year I’m planning to post a few thoughts of thanksgiving each Thursday along with Kim at the Upward Call and others.