A Thankful November: No Fear

Since therefore the children share in flesh and blood, he himself likewise partook of the same things, that through death he might destroy the one who has the power of death, that is, the devil, and deliver all those who through fear of death were subject to lifelong slavery. (Hebrews 2:14-15)
Yep, I don’t have to fear dying. And for the most part, I don’t.
My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness.
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly lean on Jesus’s name.
My hope is not a fleeting desire for something in the future, but it’s hope in the more archaic, biblical sense of the word: a firm confidence or assurance of joyous everlasting life. My hope gives me no fear of death, and it’s a rock-solid assurance because it doesn’t rest on my own feeling, even my own best feelings (or sweetest frame), which can be fickler than sunshine during a Vancouver winter, but on Christ’s perfect, historical work. The foundation on which the firm assurance of my joyous future is built is Jesus’ blood (his sin-bearing death in my place) and his righteousness (his perfect record of obedience counted as my own).
Today I’m thankful for that. Christ’s work, and all the good things that come with it, including deliverance from the fear of death, is the centerpiece—wouldn’t you say?—of God’s good gifts to us.
Other thankful folk
- Ann B is thankful for answers to prayer.
- Bugblaster is thankful that he’s learning humility through Scrabble, at least I think that’s what he said.
- Islandsparrow is “thankful for the Internet as well - and facebook - that’s how I keep track of my traveling boys!”
- Juanita is thankful for friends.
- Cheryl is thankful for dog walks, too.
I just came in from walking my dog Piper (after John) in the forest perserves near my home. I treasure that time with my buddy and with God. There is something to be said for walking your dog under God’s beautiful sky! I am so thankful to Him.
- Connie is thankful that God has redeemed (and is redeeming) one of her daughters. There’s more, too, so read her post.
- Carla is thankful for work.
- Kim in ON is thankful for girl talk.
- Kim of Hiraeth is thankful for good results from Ivy’s blood work, and Trader Joe’s Pure Liquid Castile Soap.
- Mention something you’re thankful for in the comments here, and I’ll include it in one of my thanksgiving posts, or
- Email me to tell me what you’re thankful for and I’ll include it in one of the thankful posts, or
- You may post your thankful thought(s) on your own blog and send me the link(s), and I’ll link to your post.
- If you’ve posted something thankful and I missed it, please remind me.
Reader Comments (6)
I am having a hard time decided who to cheer for when you guys play Scrabble. My womanly loyalties are competing with my wifely loyalties.....
....nah! I love it when you beat him!
....nah! I love it when you beat him!
:) Me, too.
Hi! I found your blog while searching for a hymn on the web. I'm glad to have found your site (thankful!), and also I am relishing some wonderful old hymns today.
Welcome Stacey!
Yeah, sure. That's what I said. Yes.
I am having a hard time decided who to cheer for when you guys play Scrabble. My womanly loyalties are competing with my wifely loyalties.....
mark me well if man/woman loyalties & hubi/wife loyalties are read reeaaaaally different