A Thankful November: Those Who Shovel Snow

So I’ll join her in being thankful to those who keep our sidewalks clear and for those who keep our sidewalks clear. It’s not only the elderly who benefit from their injury-preventing work.
Other thankful folk:
- Elaine is thankful for children. (Me too.) You’ll want to check out the sweet little gift she got.
- Kim is thankful for near-misses.
- Rosemary has a quote about the relationship between humility and thankfulness.
- Connie is thankful for how the Body of Christ is more accessible through the internet.
- Kim is thankful for her cozy little house.
- Mention something you’re thankful for in the comments here, and I’ll include it in one of my thanksgiving posts, or
- Email me to tell me what you’re thankful for and I’ll include it in one of the thankful posts, or
- You may post your thankful thought(s) on your own blog and send me the link(s), and I’ll link to your post.
- If you’ve posted something thankful and I missed it, please remind me.
Reader Comments (3)
Elaine's comment reminded me of notes I've received from my sons over the years. I'm thankful for the author,for what they said and that I kept them.
A 10 year old boy writes:
"I still love you Mom,
Maybe we can go fishing sometime."
and as a teenager during his snowboarding phase
"You know who this is
You know what I'm doing
You know when I'll be back
You know why I do it."
and several over the years that just say
"Thanks for praying with me Mom."
This Mom is praying for her sons and will until her last breath.
I've poted a link re freedom
I am thankful to be off dead center on my writing again. God is patient, thankfully.
Re: Snow shoveled in November...while nice, it is only the beginning of the season, when energies are still high, and the new snow is still in its novelty stage. It will be nice if the snow is still shoveled in late February, early March, when the new snow is old snow, the energies depleted, and people are running on will.
Our faith is often like that. Maybe that is why some people are church hoppers. They need the energy of the new to sustain their dimly burning wicks...