Poetry of the Cross: Cowper's Grave

The Poems of Elizabeth Barrett Browning …By Elizabeth (Barrett) Browning, Henry Theodore Tuckerman
My favorite lines of this poem ? Right here:
Yea, once, Immanuel’s orphaned cry, his universe hath shaken—
It went up single, echoless, “My God, I am forsaken!”It went up from the Holy’s lips, amid his lost creation,
That of the lost, no son should use those words of desolation…
*Explaining the hares: Cowper had two wild hares on his property who grew tame enough to eat from his hand.
More Poetry of the Cross
- Dorothy at Field Stone Cottage: O Dearest Jesus
- Brandon of Siris: When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
- Update: Rosemary of Seasonings of the Heart: Ah, Holy Jesus, How Hast Thou Offended?
Reader Comments (8)
I'm finding these poems of the cross very heart-stirring.
I posted another today: http://www.seasoningsoftheheart.com/poetry-of-the-cross-ah-holy-jesus-how-hast-thou-offended/
Added it! Thanks for participating. :)
I don't know if I've come across this poem before, despite like EBB's poetry (and being interested in Cowper). Thanks for posting it!
I've known this poem existed for a while now, but I'd only seen pieces of it quoted, never the whole thing. A year ago I searched for it online and came up empty, but this time, I got the link to it in this book at Google Book Search. I was pretty happy to finally be able to read the whole thing.
Thanks for posting this poem.
I was searching for it after hearing a sermon by DA Carson where he reads part of the closing two verse's at the end of the sermon.
Ah yes... a Don Carson sermon is where I first heard it, too.
Thanks for sharing! I'm also here because I heard D.A. Carson reference it during a conference I attended this weekend. It's nice that he is turning us back to poetry:)
Welcome Elise!