Petitionary Prayer: April 25

This month’s theme here at Rebecca Writes is petitionary prayer. On Tuesdays and Fridays throughout April, I’ll be posting one request I am making of God, and I’m inviting you to join me. You’ll find all the details here.
- This is a time of transition in this house: new seasons, new projects, new jobs, etc. I’m praying for wisdom and energy in regards to those things.
- Lisa Nunley is praying for her husband:
The stress he is under as an anesthesiologist. The balance of resting in God’s sovereignty when a person has lost their life in surgery… He begins to think heavily about that person… their family, the loss, their pain, was that person a believer?
- Update: Kim in ON is praying for both of her parents because her father is ill.
- Update 2: Dorothy is praying that God would provide a summer job for her daughter.
- Update 3: Candy is in the area experiencing all the earthquakes. I imagine is quite disconcerting to be experiencing such an unusual natural phenomenom.
We have been having swarms of earthquakes in our area, and they are getting worse. We have had some register approximately 3.1 or so and now last night one registered 4.7. We are in a high seismic area but this is very unusual.
Reader Comments (5)
Here's mine:
Thanks, Kim. Sorry about your dad's illness.
Hi. Rebecca. We have been having swarms of earthquakes in our area, and they are getting worse. We have had some register approximately 3.1 or so and now last night one registered 4.7. We are in a high seismic area but this is very unusual.
I just saw that on the news! Wow!
Please pray for us - we are in Sicily for a week - Phil is teaching theology! 8 hours a day -- plus Q and A!