Sunday's Hymn

Ever since I said that for the Sunday hymn I’d be posting a hymn I sang in church that day, they haven’t been making it easy for me. Today we sang several obscurish songs that were found in our hymnal but were not very easy to find online so that I could copy and paste the words. But I did find one, a paraphrase of Psalm 84 by Arlo D. Duba:
How Lovely, Lord, How Lovely (Psalm 84)
How lovely, Lord, how lovely is your abiding place.
My soul is longing, fainting to feast upon your grace.
The sparrow finds a shelter, a place to build her nest;
and so your temple calls us within its walls to rest.
In your blest courts to worship, O God, a single day
is better than a thousand if I from you should stray.
I’d rather keep the entrance and claim you as my Lord
than revel in the riches the ways of sin afford.
A sun and shield forever are you, O Lord Most High;
you shower us with blessings; no good will you deny.
The saints, your grace receiving, from strength to strength shall go,
and from their life shall rivers of blessing overflow.
Other hymns, worship songs, etc. posted today:
- The Fourth Sunday after Trinity at Magic Statistics
- Crown Him with Many Crowns at Hiraeth (Kim has a brand new grandson; he be the first.)
- Christ is Made the Sure Foundation at Seasoning of the Heart
- Great is Thy Faithfulness at Field Stone Cottage
- Lord’s Day 24, 2008 at The Thirsty Theologian
- Come, Great Spirit, Come at Conjubilant With Song
- Blest Are the Pure, Whose Hearts Are Clean at joythruChrist
- Happy the Home When God Is There at The Happy Wonderer
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