Recommended for Listening VI

The audio and video from this spring’s reFocus Canada 2008 main conference sessions is now available. reFocus Canada is a ministry of Willingdon Church in Burnaby, BC. Its purpose “is to unite Canadian pastors around a resurgent
historical evangelicalism and equip them to preach the full counsel of
God in an age of relativism.”
Looking at the list of speakers and topics, I’m guessing all of audio will be valuable for listening and learning. This afternoon, while painting windows and doors, I listened to the first session, The Basis of Authority: Authority in the Godhead, by Bruce Ware. I recognized much of the material from Ware’s book, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, which I reviewed favorably three years ago and added to my short list of solid theological books suitable for the lay person.
The subject of both the book and the sermon/lecture/whatever is the relationships between the persons of the Trinity, the roles those three persons have, and how knowledge of the relationships and roles within the Trinity ought to affect the lives of believers. If you haven’t read the book, why not take an hour while you’re doing drudgework to listen to the audio of this session? If you’ve already read the book, I’m betting you’ll jump at the chance to be instructed on this topic again.
And there’s a handy-dandy set of notes for this session, too.
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