Blog Holiday

We are finally having some sunny summer weather and I think I’ll take a little break from the blog to enjoy it. Really, I’ll be hard at work painting windows, door and deck (and more, if I can fit it in), but painting in the sunshine is a wonderful thing after weeks and weeks of very little sun and very much rain.
I’ll be back on Thursday to put up the gas price post and maybe a new desktop photo. Other than that, don’t expect much for the rest of the week unless the weather forecast is wrong.
I suppose, since I’ll have lots of time to listen to sermons, lectures, and suchlike on my iPod, I may feel the urge to recommend a few of them to you. But don’t hold your breath.
Reader Comments (8)
Enjoy your break! Sounds like it will be good for body and soul--working in the dirt and listening to sermons. That's a good combination. I'd send you a great quote from Les Mis if I were home. Actually, it might already be on one of my blogs already. I'll come back and post it if I can find it.
Anyway; enjoy!
Have fun! How is your garden doing with so much rain? We have had NO rain. at. all.
What was more needed by this old man who divided the leisure hours of his life, where he had so little leisure, between gardening in the daytime and contemplation at night? Was not this narrow enclosure, with the sky for a background, enought to enable him to adore God in His most beautiful as well as in His most sublime works? Indeed, is not that all, and what more can be desired? A little garden to walk, and immensity to reflect opon. At his feet something to cultivate and gather; above his head something to study and meditate upon; a few flowers on the earth and all the stars in the sky. pg. 62
Have a blessed blogging break! We have also had much rain which doesn't lend itself to a lot of outdoor work, so we have been doing many indoor projects, thus progressing forward! Still have too many on my list for one season. :)
Thanks all. Thanks for the quote Kim. Yes, I'll be mostly in my yard, reflecting as I work.
How is your garden doing with so much rain?
The garden is slow. Vegies need sun, too, not just rain. :)
I hope the weather over there in canada has been better than here in England. It' been rain almost every day for 2 weeks and it's meant to be summertime.
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