Sunday's Hymn

For a few weeks I want to feature some lesser known hymns by classic hymnwriters. That’ll mean no YouTube videos of performances of the hymns, but I figure you’re all grown ups, so you won’t die without something to watch.
This one is by John Newton, contributor, along with William Cowper, to the Olney Hymns. It’s a a gloomy little number, but it’s finally hopeful in the only One who can help. If you want to hear the tune, you’ll have to click on the title and listen to Cyberhymnal organ/piano electronic version.
I would, but cannot sing,
Guilt has untuned my voice;
The serpent sin’s envenomed sting
Has poisoned all my joys.
I know the Lord is nigh,
And would, but cannot, pray;
For Satan meets me when I try,
And frights my soul away.
I would but can’t repent
Though I endeavor oft;
This stony heart can ne’er relent
Till Jesus make it soft.
I would but cannot love,
Though wooed by love divine;
No arguments have pow’r to move
A soul so base as mine.
I would, but cannot rest
In God’s most holy will;
I know what He appoints is best,
Yet murmur at it still!
Oh could I but believe!
Then all would easy be;
I would, but cannot, Lord relieve,
My help must come from Thee!
But if indeed I would,
Though I can nothing do,
Yet the desire is something good,
For which my praise is due.
By nature prone to ill,
Till Thine appointed hour
I was as destitute of will,
As now I am of pow’r.
Wilt Thou not crown, at length,
The work Thou hast begun?
And with a will, afford me strength
In all Thy ways to run.
—John Newton
Other hymns, worship songs, sermons etc. posted today:
- Thirsting For a Living Spring at Conjubilant with Song
- Lord’s Day 9, 2009 at The Thirsty Theologian
- Jesus Be the Center at The Happy Wonderer
- Forty Days and Forty Nights at Nova Scotia Scott
- Your Weekly Dose of Spurgeon at Pyromaniacs: A Word (or Two) for Those Who Scoff at the Doctrine of Eternal Punishment
- O Sacred Head Now Wounded at Hiraeth
- All Glory Be to Thee, Most High at Fieldstone Cottage
- The Day Is Past and Over at Tapestry of Graces
- The Heavens Declare Thy Glory at joythruChrist
- Not the Labour of My Hands at The Irvins
Have you posted a hymn today and I missed it? Let me know by leaving a link in the comments or by emailing me at the address in the sidebar and I’ll add your post to the list.
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