I Started a Fight (con't.)

Episode 2: The Answer
(Episode 1 is here.)
When we left this true life adventure, I was minding my own business, sitting with my sister in a Bible study in church in Minnesota. I had just been asked this question: Why would God have put the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the garden?
I thought about passing this hot potato on like another student had already done. I knew that not everyone would agree with my answer. But I do think about these things. And I can’t resist a good discussion, so I replied.
(If you are reading with a feed reader, now’s when you click through to read the rest.)
I don’t remember my exact words, but they were something like this. “I believe,” I said, “that God planned from the beginning for humankind to fall, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was put in place as one of the means of the fall.”
I think I heard a couple of gasps from the class. Then the teacher responded and that’s where things got twisted.
And I’ve never been one to waste a good cliffhanger.
Update: Story continues here.
Reader Comments (4)
I think in some way, beyond human understanding, you must be right. If the lamb is chosen before the creation of the world (1 Pet 1:20) then it is known that the cross will be needed before creation. It could easily have been avoided at that point by just not creating us, but God, for reasons beyond our comprehension chose to go ahead with creating a world of sin, death and redemption. Possibly we see part of the reason in the praises of heaven "Worthy is the Lamb who was slain!".
If we truly believe in the Sovereignty of God then there is no other answer ...
I'll have to amen Pam's response. Looking forward to the next installment.
Aw.....Not fair. Do tell all.
And amen to the Sovereignty of God leaves us no other option.