Saturday's Old Photo

Here we are, more than 20 years ago, all packed up and ready to leave Minnesota to return to Whitehorse after our summer holiday outside.* I miss the old Jimmy, which served us well until the floor rusted through.
That back seat was a little bit crowded for three kids, expecially since the youngest still required a car seat, but they survived. This is one of the road trips mentioned in this post—the one in which we took up chanting “Get me out! Get me, get me out!” in response to youngest daughter’s pleas to get out of her car seat. Two thousand, four hundred and sixty miles one way makes for a long trip, so we needed to find fun wherever we could.
The kids are 7, 5 and 2. I made the wee one’s corderoy overalls. One of the best things about having little girls, you know, is being able to sew for them.
That’s me on the far left. I don’t know if I’m supposed to be in the photo or out of it. Either way, I failed.
It was typical for us to travel with something or other—bikes, trikes, strollers, etc.—tied to the top of the truck. Can you guess what that is tied to the top of the Jimmy in this photo? Two hints: I still have it stored behind the garage; and group of teenagers tried to steal it in the middle of the night, but my husband caught them in the act and prevented the theft.
If no one has guessed correctly by next Tuesday, I’ll clue you all in. This contest is open to everyone except those in the photo and their immediate family members.
[There’s another photo from another family road trip here.]
*Have I mentioned that Yukoners use the term outside to refer to anywhere far enough south of us to be considered civilization?

Update: I’ve now identified what’s under the tarp here.
Reader Comments (9)
I know, I know! Oh wait I'm excluded. Is that Grandpa's wood pile in the reflection of the window in the open door? Did you still have that when you got to no. 4?
Soap Box Derby car? Brings back memories of Cub Scouts and Town races ... sigh ....
My memory is very shaky on this, but when I was younger we had a little blue car. It was a shell of a thing with pedals for making it go. Your covered mystery reminds me of it, but YCM looks more like a pickup.
Pam is very warm, but not quite there.
Is that Grandpa's wood pile in the reflection of the window in the open door?
I think you're right. I hadn't noticed that/
Did you still have that when you got to no. 4?
Yes, but not as the family vehicle. By then we had that green suburban.
Wow! Becky is almost there...but sorry, no pedals. :)
Hello Rebecca,
My co-workers tell me that the picture should be in a magazine. Needless to say it is now my desktop picture. I also took a copy to put in the family album.
I have no idea what is under the blanket. I can't even begin to guess.
Karen, Monrovia, CA
Is it one of those little cars/trucks that the Jaffa Shriners drive in parades?
Is it a red wagon ?
Karen, Monrovia