Saturday's Old Photo

This is my dad. He’s about 14 or 15—that would be 1940 or 41—and he’s with the first and only pig he ever owned. She was born on the farm in Kansas—one of a litter of little pigs that had to be bottle fed. He helped his mother raise the babes and in return he kept one of them as his own. He sold her—and her litter, I think—shortly after this photo was taken.
He made enough money, he says, to pay for her feed and that’s about it. That he only broke even may be the reason he went pigless for the rest of his life.
What he really loved were horses, anyway.
Reader Comments (3)
When I was a child in Tennessee, my father bought a couple of piglets (we named them Mickey and Minnie) who grew to have a family. They were constantly running away to other farms, a complete nuisance. We were delighted when my father finally sold them. I prefer horses to pigs as well! But then, there is bacon....I'm very fond of that!
I've never understood why people would want those pot-bellied pigs as pets. I'm with Rosemary. Pigs are best as bacon...and ham! So I guess I''m glad someone wants to raise them...and not just for pets either.
My, what a handsome dad you have. He'd make a great cowboy.