Round the Sphere Again

Books, Books, Books
Win a Michael Horton Book Pack. (Nathan W. Bingham’s Microblog)
What David Kjos read in 2009, with helpful mini-reviews of most on the list. (The Thirsty Theologian)
The History of The Joy of Cooking: “More than 18 million copies have sold since the Great Depression—when a Midwestern widow named Irma Rombauer published her recipes and anecdotes in the hope of lifting America’s spirits.” (mental_floss Blog).
Top Audio Picks for 2009 (Faith by Hearing)
Ten Ways to Encourage to Encourage a Missionary. This is list is drawn from the responses of missionaries to the question of how they would most like to be served and encouraged. (The Gospel Coalition Blog)
Video of Michael Haykin on the Trinity.
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