I Need Help!

I’d like to buy some more Chinese resources for our church library but don’t know where to get them. Of the new books I purchased for the library this fall, it’s the very few Chinese ones that are consistently gone from the shelves, so I’d like to get more. Do you know a source of Chinese Christian literature other than Bibles that ships in (or to) Canada?
Reader Comments (6)
Here are two Chinese Christian bookstores in Canada:
Christian Communications (Canada)
Unit 15, 155 East Beaver Creek Road
Richmond Hill, Ontario
L4B 2N1
Tel: (905) 907-1944
Fax: (905) 907-1439
Unit 2105, 8888 Odlin Crescent
Richmond, B.C.
V6X 3Z8
Tel: (604) 303-9560
Fax: (604) 303-9561
Christian Communication Inc. of Canada
(This link shows their bookstores in Vancouver, Toronto and other cities.)
Hi Rebecca,
I'm not sure what type of books you are looking for but I believe the Stranger on the Road to Emmaus books are all available in Chinese. You can check
Thanks Edmond and Juanita. Those are perfect leads for me--exactly the kind of help I needed.
I do have someone to help me with the Chinese language sites, too.
I'm looking for basic new believer material, mostly.
Rebecca, some of John Piper's books have been translated into Chinese. Here's a link:
I know Grace to You and their book store offers books in Chinese and Dr MacArthur is soon coming out with a Chinese version of his Study Bible... hope this helps.
In Him who saves
Thanks for all the help! It's all good. :)