November of Thanksgiving 12

I’m thankful that God is triune. We need for God to be triune. Without the Trinity, there would be no gospel. If we, as sinners, are to be saved, we must have a truly divine Saviour who will die in our place, and only a Trinitarian God can provide that Saviour for us.
Our God exists eternally as three persons who love and enjoy each other—a community, we could say, of persons. This is important to us because it means that God can act freely in everything, and never because he needs something from us. That’s a God we can trust, and I’m thankful.
Others thanking God today:
- Diane is thankful for her Advocate.
- Trisha is thankful that God is her keeper.
- Joan is thankful for weekends.
- Becky is thankful for “the children born in Christian homes and for godly parents who diligently teach the Word of God to their children.”
- Lisa is thankful for five people moment.
- Kim (The Upward Call) is thankful that her husband took the day off.
- Victoria is thankful for the Bible.
- Pam is thankful for who God is.
- Rosemary is thankful for a good night’s rest.
- Persis is thankful for several things.
- Connie is thankful for the beauty of creation.
- Amy in Peru is thankful for brave boys at home.
- Elle is thankful for family who helps.
- Leslie says, “I’m not all God wants me to be nor do I expect to be so until I see Him face-to-face. But I’m not who I was. And in ten more years, Lord willing, I won’t be the same person I am today. And for that I’m thankful.”
- Becky is thankful for God’s holy word.
- Dorothy is thankful for the ability to keep in touch with her extended family members.
- Kim (Hiraeth) is thankful for time and good weather for buttoning up the hatches.
- Jen is thankful “to be away for a few days of rest with my dear husband. It has been sweet.”
- Sallie is thankful for our spectacularly beautiful world.
- Hollie is thankful for a verse.
What are you thankful for today?
I didn’t post until late today, so I won’t be back later to add more thanksgiving posts, but if you post after I’ve posted, you can leave me a link in the comments and I’ll add your link tomorrow morning. Also, as more people participate, it gets more likely that I’ll make mistakes in my posting, so if I miss your post or mess up a link, please tell me. And if you miss a day or two, you’ll need to give me a heads up on your next thanksgiving post.
Do you want to participate, too? You’ll find instructions here for the ways both bloggers and nonbloggers can join in the thanksgiving.
Reader Comments (3)
Rebecca Writes hosts a grateful November and today always, my heart is grateful for God's promises. They are my soul preserver, bless His name forever.
Hey, I missed yesterday because my internet is down, so here's the link to today's! :)
This post stopped me up short a bit; thanks for it. We don't usually think of the Trinity as something to give thanks for, but you're quite right that there's hardly anything we should be more grateful about.