November of Thanksgiving 30

You can get this button from Lisa of Lisa NotesIt’s the last day of November and the last day of the official daily thanksgiving exercise. I’m thankful for every one of you who participated with me. The full impact of the month of thanksgiving comes from reading what you all are thankful for each day—from a community of thanksgiving, women (and a few men) of all ages and many different life circumstances, coming together to thank the one true God for his many gifts to us. As I gathered the links together, I would be reminded with each of your posts of something else I needed to thank God for.
I am thankful for your thanksgiving for small things—things that are often overlooked, things that we tend to feel entitled to, but are graciously provided to us by our good God. I am thankful for your thanksgiving for spiritual blessings, which are, of course, the greatest gifts we have. I am especially thankful for the examples of those who maintained daily thanksgiving in trying circumstances. I thank God for each one of you and for each one of your posts.
We have so many good gifts from our gracious God, don’t we?
Others thanking God today:
- Diane is thankful for our month of thanksgiving, too.
- Becky is thankful for undeserving grace.
- Kim (The Upward Call) is thankful for a month of thanksgiving.
- Lisa is thankful for fellowship.
- Victoria is thankful for the benefits of this month of thanksgiving.
- Rosemary is thankful that the Word became flesh.
- Trisha writes, “How kind God is to us to daily load us with endless blessings, too many to ever fully name.”
- Dorothy is thankful for snow flurries.
- Julana is thankful that she’s not a teenager. (Me, too.)
Update 8pm PST:
- Persis is thankful that she is going to see her family.
- Joan is thankful for the Christmas season.
- Lindsay lists some of the things she’s been most thankful for during the month.
- Staci is thankful for quiet days at home.
- Kim (Hiraeth) is thankful for this past month.
- Aadel is thankful for recipes and healthy food for her family.
- Elle is thankful for a long walk outside.
- Jen is thankful for fellowship of the saints.
- Becky is thankful for “God’s patience with me and His superintendence of my sanctification.”
What are you thankful for today?
I’ll be back one more time late this evening to add links to additional posts.
Do you want to participate, too? You’ll find instructions here for the ways both bloggers and nonbloggers can join in the thanksgiving.
If I’ve missed your post or messed up a link, please tell me. If you miss a day or more, you’ll need to send me the link to your next thanksgiving post.
Reader Comments (8)
Thank you again dear sister-- I hate to see it end-this was my first year. I can't wait till next year.
I'll put my 30th post here in comments:
I'm thankful for my first outdoor walk today. They are predicting that my area is going to get a pounding of a storm in the next 12 hours so I was particularly thankful to be able to be outside and enjoy a bit of fresh air before the storm arrives.
Thank you, Rebecca, for the opportunity to express our daily Thanksgivings. It was a treat and worthwhile spiritual discipline.
Thank you, Rebecca, for hosting November of Thanksgiving again this year. It has been particularly good for me this year, keeping my mind and heart focused on the goodness of the Lord, even---maybe especially---in the hard things.
It was a blessing indeed to be part of this wonderful community of grateful women "(and a few men)"
Thanks so much for hosting this. It has been a blessing to intentionally give thanks every day. I'm looking forward to next year's, God willing.
(My post is late so here is the link:
Again, thank you so much Rebecca for hosting this special time. I know it took a lot of work to look at all of our blogs each day and post them in addition to posting your own for the day. I'm so glad to get to know a bit about you through this and I intend to keep visiting your blog and making good use of your Theological Term for the Week! (saves me a lot of work. lol!) The Lord bless you sister with a wonderful Christmas season!
I want to add my THANK YOU also. You did a fantastic job, Rebecca, keeping up with everybody's posts. I can't imagine all the time it took to do that each day. Thanks for blessing us with that gift, and I pray God continues to bless you in return!
Thank you so much for taking the time to read everyone's post and then post the links. Thank you for the great idea of this month of Thanksgiving. May God richly bless you for the sacrifices you made to bless all of us.