Status Report: December

Sitting… at the old dining room table pushed up under the front window, watching the world go by.
Drinking…my morning coffee. Black, french-pressed.
Planning…my day. It’s cold out and I’d love to just stay home, but I usually go work in the church library for a bit on Friday. But I could take a week off, right? Especially since I have some other important things to do?
Waiting… for the temperature to rise. We’ve had a pretty mild fall and early winter, until this week, when we got a big dump of heavy snow, and then the temperature began to drop…down, down, down to -35C at my place at 7pm last night. Since then the thermometer’s been slowly rising, and it’s supposed to be above freezing this weekend. I’m waiting for it and hoping the weather prediction is accurate.
Reading… a few books. One is Why Johnny Can’t Sing Hymns by T. David Gordon. I won’t be reviewing it because my feelings about it are mixed and I don’t want to take the time to explain. Some of what he writes I agree with, but his arguments seem scattered in places, and I’d say he pushes his conclusions beyond what his arguments can support. That said, I learned some interesting things, like why, for instance, some newer worship songs are so hard to sing together as a congregation.
Deciding… what to give this Christmas. This is the part of Christmas I dislike most, not because I’m a Scrooge, but because I don’t like deciding, especially when there’s a deadline.
Anticipating… Christmas parties. Putting the tree up this weekend.
Wondering… if this will be a wicked winter and hoping that it’s not. Wondering when I got to be such a weather wimp.
Pondering… the incarnation. How can it be? What does it mean?
Thankful… for a warm home, for time by the fire, for hope.
Copying… Staci.
Reader Comments (1)
How can it be? What does it mean? Yes, pondering much the same and humbled by it all.
So thankful Staci got the ball rolling this month!