Divine Reasons for Divine Doings

Another daily devotional from the little book Opened Treasures written by Frances Ridley Havergal.
And they shall know that I am the Lord (Ezekiel 6:10).
It is one of the shining threads that run all through the Bible, a supply indeed for the heart’s desire of those who delight in the Lord. It is never long out of sight, judgments and mercies being alike sent for this great purpose. For this the waters of the Red Sea receded and returned again; for this the Jordan was dried up; for this Goliath was delivered into David’s hand; for this 185,000 of the Assyrians were smitten by God’s angel; and many more instances. Throughout Ezekiel it seems to be the very key-word, recurring seventy-five times as the divine reason of divine doings, that they may “know that I am the Lord.” Is there not a peculiar solace in this?
Reader Comments (2)
That phrase stood out to me over and over again as I read the Old Testament and it helped me realize that it's the bottom line reason for all that happens in our lives.
I'm enjoying these quotes!
Happy Birthday to you. Have you any fun plans? Like all your kids are going to be your slaves for a day? Maybe that was a dream I had. Janna