Status Report: April

Copying Lisa.
Sitting…by the window at the table that used to be our dining room table until I made it into a big desk.
Drinking…yet another cup of coffee.
Loving…the peace in the house.
Wanting…my knee and hip to just hurry up already and get back to normal.
Enjoyed…the northern lights again last night, but I’ve got to stop it with the late night trips out into the cold.
Reveling…in nothing at the moment. Oh! I take that back. The mailman just arrived with a package of books for me!
Thinking…that the spectacular northern lights show on Easter night was the heavens declaring the glory of the resurrection. Thinking, too, that perhaps in the new heavens and the new earth there will be spectacular northern lights every night in every place. What do you think?
Anticipating…spring. And the new heavens and new earth.
Considering…what to make for supper with the leftover ham.
Realizing…that I have too much stuff and I need to clean out.
Thankful…for too much stuff. For memories. For new books. For coffee. For strawberry shortcake. For the promise of spring. For peace. For northern lights on Easter night. For the promise of the new heavens and the new earth.
Reader Comments (5)
Getting new books is always something to revel in!
This post made me smile. I'd love to see the northern lights! So, yes, I think we'll see them in the new heavens and new earth -- only they'll be even better because everything is going to be better and because our eyes will be perfect.
Oh yes. I'd forgotten about the perfect eyes. That'll make things a lot better for me. :)
I would love to see teh Northern Lights again. You just can't reproduce them in a picture or video.
Love the status report and love dreaming of the new northern lights in the new heaven and the new earth seen with our new bodies--what a day of rejoicing that will be!