Thankful Thursday

I’m thankful for the opportunities to help that I had during the past week. I’ve received some wonderful help from others in the past and I love when I can do a little bit of the same sort of service.
I’m thankful that I got the rest of the garden in on Tuesday when it was still a pleasant job because it would not be nice to be out digging in the garden today.
I’m thankful for my new daughter-in-law. While I’m thanking, I’ll thank God for my regular old sons and daughters, too.
I’m thankful for the new fencing the sons put up across the back of the yard yesterday. It’ll make life with the pup easier if we can just let him out in the yard and know that he’s stuck there. (He had taken to sailing over the old fence whenever he wanted his freedom.) I’m thankful that the perfect fencing was 1/2 price when I went shopping for it yesterday.
I’m thankful that God provides for me in more ways than I can even think to ask for.
On Thursdays throughout this year, I plan to post a few thoughts of thanksgiving along with Kim at the Upward Call and others. Why don’t you participate by posting your thanksgiving each week, too? It’ll be an encouragement to you and to others, I promise.
Reader Comments (3)
Sure is the truth, that God provides for us in more ways than we can even think to ask for.
I made two more batches of Peach-Raspberry Jam today. I'm on a jamming kick, but I've used up all my jars and will have to get into town to get more.
Definitely much easier to have a busy pup when he can't get out!
I need new jars, too. I used some of the pint ones I could have used for jam for apple for peaches and applesauce. The quart ones are too big for my smaller household.