Round the Sphere Again: An All Fun Edition

Dear Dad
A young boy asks for more allowance (Letters of Note): “I put in my plea for a raise of thirty cents for me to buy scout things and pay my own way more around.”
Birthday Books
Find out the New York Times best sellers for the week of your birth. I’ve read none of the books on my list, but I’ve heard of a couple of the non-fiction ones:
- The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale
- Abraham Lincoln by Carl Sandburg
Have you heard of any of the books on you list? Read any of them?
Reader Comments (4)
The only one I heard of was Armageddon by Leon Uris, and I'm pretty sure my parents had the book, but I never read it.
I subscribe to Letters of Note, so I know the answer to that one. I loved that post.
Hey, Becky, is that captcha spammy thing on your posts part of squarespace?
Yes. It just showed up one day. I'm not sure whether it's always there or not because when I comment on my own blog, I'm usually signed in and don't get it.