Round the Sphere Again: Christ's Work

Like His Brothers In Every Way
D. A. Carson on the theological significance of Jesus’ humanity in Hebrews 2 (For the Love of God). I learned something new when Carson pointed out that Hebrews 2:17 presupposes something:
If he was to serve as mediator between God and human beings, “he had to be made like his brothers in every way” (Heb. 2:17—which presupposes that he already was like God in every way).
Able to Save to the Uttermost
Charts are my favorite thing and this one shows the differences between Jesus and the Levitical High Priests (Between Two Worlds).
Laying Down His Life
I’m rather fond of lists, too: Six things Christ accomplished by his death (Matt Perman).
Reader Comments (1)
That's why I like how Hebrews 1 and 2 is put together. You have Hebrews 1 definitely proving that Christ is God's perfect representative because not only does he act exactly like God but he is God. Then you have Hebrews 2 opening with the potential horror of that until the writer goes on to show how He can perfectly represent man because he suffered like men because He is a man. So perfect.