Status Report: May

Sitting…on the couch in the living room.
Drinking…a cup of Earl Grey tea.
Enjoying…the evening sunlight streaming in the windows. We’re at the long daylight hours time of the year again and I’m really, really ready for it. It’s amazing how much more I can get done with all that daylight. Daylight, in case you didn’t know, is energizing.
Watching…the Canadian election results. It will be a Conservative majority government, which is what I expected. The real news is how badly the Liberal Party did. They won’t be the official opposition party anymore, but rather, it’s the NDP (Canada’s social democratic party) that will fill that role. I’m okay with these result, and it’s making for an interesting election night.
Thinking…that the time has come for me to tackle my least favorite job: Scooping all the backyard dog doo that was hidden under snow over the winter.
Wondering…what’s happened to my beloved Twins. Why can’t they ever put together a win?
Thanking…God for my youngest daughter, who had a birthday yesterday. We will have a barbecue to celebrate sometime this week (I hope). But first I need to finish the job I mentioned above.
Hoping…youngest son is not too sore tomorrow. He took a nasty spill bike-joring his dog and the neighbor’s dog today. He’s dogsitting the dog from next-door while the owners are gone for a few days and he’s discovered how fun it is to have the pair pull him on the bike. However, I’m not sure he’s as enthusiastic after his fall as he was before it.
Anticipating…summer and my garden. Anticipating taking a road trip, maybe. Anticipating a Twins win, someday.
Praying…for the people of Alabama. You can read a bit of news in Leslie’s status report. She writes:
Did you know that there are still 340 people missing? Did you realize that there are children, little ones who cannot even give their names, whose parents are nowhere to be found?
No, I didn’t know that. Thinking about those little ones breaks my heart. I’m praying with Leslie that relatives who will love them will find them.
As in every status report, I’m copying Lisa.
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