Thankful Thursday

What blessings have I had this week? Well, for one thing, at this time last week I was travelling, sick, and wondering how I was ever going to get through the next week and get all the things done that I needed to do. But here I am, a week later, at home, done with my four dental appointment (They all went well enough, including the surgery.), the garden is in, all the vegetables are washed and stored, and the house is once again in decent order. It is only all taken care of by the grace of God and I am thankful.
I’m thankful, too, for vets and their medicine, because even though Leroy doesn’t live with me anymore, I still think he’s a pretty great cat. He jumped on a hot wood stove earlier this week and burned all four feet, which is, apparently, a more serious accident than you might think. After an overnight stay in the kitty hospital, he’s back home and mending nicely, thanks to a little morphine and antibiotics. And especially thanks to our heavenly Father who gives wisdom to veterinarians and directs their healing hands.
I have so many other blessings I could list, too, but I’ll just go straight to this biggie: I’m thankful for my dad and the testimony of his life. I’m thankful for the hope of eternity with him and with my heavenly Father. Once again—because I think I’ve said this before—I’m thankful for those mysterious words from 1 Thessalonians: “so we will always be with the Lord.”
Throughout this year I’m planning to post a few thoughts of thanksgiving each Thursday along with Kim at the Upward Call and others.
Reader Comments (1)
Oh....poor Leroy. I hope he mends quickly. Burns are terrible.