Thankful Thursday: Conversion

Today, I’m thanking my heavenly Father for my conversion. Because it is God
…who … has shone in [my heart] to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. (2 Corinthians 4:6 ESV)
Salvation, from start to finish, including conversion, is the work of God. When, as a very young child, I first believed,
it was “by God’s doing” that I knew what I knew. It wasn’t because I was a spectacularly precocious five year old; it wasn’t because it was a extraordinarily powerful sermon. It was by God’s doing: God’s saving grace, his enlightening and regenerating grace.
So I’m thanking him for this gift; I’m acknowledging that all the glory goes to God.
Reader Comments (3)
All glory to God---amen.
Ditto to Rosemary. SDG!
Yes! Glory to God!