Blowing the Whole Day

Both grandbabies visited me today. The youngest one and her mother spent the whole day because they have no heat in their home and it’s cold out.
I did nothing on my to-do list except one load of laundry. We were all sitting in the living room at 4:30pm and I remarked, “I basically blew a whole day.”
“Well I guess if you call spending time with your granddaughters blowing it!” said my daughter. It was a reprimand I deserved. Which is more important? My list of chores or cuddling the babies?
I have a couple of blog posts planned. You’ll see them when I have a day without important interruptions. But it’s still cold, and I suspect the youngest granddaughter will be here all day again tomorrow. I’ll probably be busy holding a baby.
Reader Comments (4)
That sounds like something I would have said to my mom! One thing I know my mother-in-law misses is when the kids are all home. Once they got into the teen years, she saw less and less of them, and I know how she loves to see them all again!
It sounds like a pretty wonderful way to spend the day!
I'm laughing Rebecca because the exact thing happened to me this week! And my comment and subsequent self rebuke were similar. Aren't we just so blessed to have kids and grandkids who enjoy our company? I can hardly think of a better way to "blow the day" haha!
I'm happy to know I'm in good company.
This is one of those cases where feeling guilty (and I did) might be a sin. :)
It was a great day!
I'm not even going to think about them growing up and going away!