Status Report: December

Sitting…on the couch.
Drinking…nothing. It’s too late for caffeinated and I don’t do decaffienated. On principle.
Complaining…about the weather. It’s cold. It’s been cold for as long as I can remember; it’ll be cold for the foreseeable future, says the weatherman, and by “foreseeable future” he meant all of December. “And as is December”—I’m quoting—“so goes the rest of the winter.” Brrrr and grrrr.
Realizing…that complaining about the weather can be a sanity saver.
Remembering…yesterday. I had an unplanned full house and an impromptu potluck supper. The grandbabies brought their families over for a change of scenery on a cold afternoon and evening. It was busy and noisy and lots of fun. At least cold weather is good for something.
Reading…Family Vocation by Gene Veith, and A Puritan Theology by Joel Beeke and Mark Jones. I’m not far enough into A Puritan Theology to know what I think, but I really like Family Vocation. Thinking of our God-given roles in life as his means of providing for his creation, and of my own roles as ways to serve my neighbors gives me new motivation to do my work.
Anticipating…so much. The excitement of the season to come: the ways to serve, fun to have, food to eat, and gifts to give. Plua, a new grandchild coming in February. I’m expecting many blessing to come.
Rearranging…two rooms of the house to make space for the Christmas tree.
Making…new covers for the throw pillows on the couches from plaid wool kilts I got at the Salvation Army thrift store several years ago. I also brought out the single sized Hudson Bay Blanket for one couch. It all looks pleasantly cabin-like.
Liking…candles lit every evening.
Thanking…God for his protecting hand and for his restraining grace.
Reader Comments (2)
I really liked Family Vocation.
Throw pillows from kilts--I love it! Hope you'll post pics.
I'm complaining about the weather too, but for the exact opposite reason.