Status Report: February

Sitting…on the couch, watching the Raptors.
Wishing…the Raptors were a lot better than they are.
Hoping…that my new Visa card comes soon. I want to order fabric and I can’t without a credit card. I want to book an appointment with a dental surgeon and I need a Visa card for that, too.
Feeling…annoyed that I’ve had big fraudulent charges on my Visa card twice in one year. I hate that I’ll have to change everything online again. On the phone, I asked the Visa employee what I could do to keep this from happening. “Nothing, really,” she said. “They have their tricky little ways.”
The real answer, I suspect, is to quit ordering online, but the credit card company won’t to tell you that, because the more you use your card, the better it is for them.
Wondering…why it is that Visa fraudsters always purchase things in Europe, often plane or train tickets. What do they do with all those tickets? Sell them? But you can’t, can you?
Reading…Eighteen Words by J. I Packer, The World Tilting Gospel by Dan Phillips, and Notes from the Tilt-a-Whirl by N. D. Wilson. I am embarrassed to say that the first two were the books I was reading on last month’s status report. What can I say? January has been busy.
Thinking…that I may not make it through Notes from the Tilt-a-Whirl. I’ve only read a few pages and I’m already suffering from whiplash. I decided to read it in order to “stretch” myself, but maybe I’m not that flexible.
Also thinking…that I should have bought a new sewing machine a long time ago, because it’s so much fun to have a machine that works well. I have lots of home sewing projects on the list of things I want to do: Roman blinds, pillow covers, a new set of cloth napkins, to start. I’d like to whip up a few cute things for my little granddaughter, too.
Enjoying…my little granddaughter. All babies are wonderful, but grandbabies are especially wonderful.
Looking…forward to spring. I’m so happy January is over; I’m so glad the days are getting longer. Yep, it’s all good from here on out…until next winter.
Heading…to the kitchen to see what I can scrounge for supper.
Copying…Lisa and others.
Reader Comments (1)
I love cloth napkins!