This Week in Housekeeping

January’s Credo Magazine was a treasure trove of links on inclusivism. I’ve added all these excellent links to the inclusivism page in the Theological Terms of the Week.
- Ardel Caneday: Faith Comes By Hearing: Inclusivists’ Abuse of Romans 10:9-17 (On my original post, a commenter argues for the inclusivist view from this passage, so this is an especially good addition to my list of resources.)
- Michael Reeves: The Cruelty of Inclusivism
- Timothy Beougher: Does Belief in Inclusivism Weaken Motivation for Missions and Evangelism
- Todd Borger: Can Inclusivism Be Supported by the OT?
- Changed the definition. (This is a really old term and the old definition was, frankly, pretty stinky. Let’s hope I’ve become better at defining terms with experience.)
- Got rid of dead links.
- Fixed the formatting.
- Added link to Kim Riddlebarger’s Basics of the Reformed Faith: The Order of Salvation.
- Added link to Tim Challies’ Visual Theology - The Order of Salvation.
- Added link to’s What does the “ordo salutis” mean and why is it important?
- Added related term order of God’s decrees.
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