Thankful Thursday

I had a free day today—no appointments or visitors—so I could spend the day working uninterrupted. I’m thankful that my life is often full of happy interruptions, but I’m also thankful for a solid work day now and then. I sewed and did laundry and cleaned the stove top and oven. I’m thankful for my new sewing machine and my old but still working washing machine and stove. I’m thankful for my home and everything in it.
I’m thankful that my son returned safely from his trip to Germany and Poland. I’m thankful that he enjoyed himself and didn’t spend all of his money.
I’m thankful that my little granddaughter lives close by so I can spend time with her regularly. Not every grandmother has that and I count it as a gift from God that I do.
I’m thankful for asparagus, a tasty spring blessing.
I’m thankful for all these temporal blessings, and I’m thankful that the blessings of this world are not the only blessings I have. I’m thankful that all believers are priests, so that we have direct access to God without an earthly mediator. I’m thankful for forgiveness of sins and the promise of a heavenly inheritance.
What about you? What are you thankful for?
Reader Comments (1)
It took me a long time to fully understand the priesthood of believers (and maybe there is still more I don't) but that only made me more and more thankful and amazed as I did.
I'm glad you have the blessing of that precious granddaughter close by, Rebecca!