This Week in Housekeeping

Whew! I barely have time to keep up with the fixing and updating project for the theological terms. It’s been a month since I did any work on them at all. Actually, once a month seems to be the rate for the last half year or so.
- Fixed links to Wayne Grudem’s lectures on the doctrine of sanctification: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3. (The Grudem Systematic Theology lectures have been moved around a lot over the years. I’m hoping these are links that last!)
- Added a link to R. C. Sproul’s The Heresy of Perfectionism.
- Added a link to Michael Kruger’s The Difference Between Original Autographs and Original Texts.
- Fixed links to Wayne Grudem’s lectures: The Person of Christ, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.
- Added related terms advent, ascension of Jesus, crucifixion (of Christ), deity of Christ, humanity of Christ, hypostatic union, virgin birth.
- Added “Filed under Person, Work and Teachings of Christ.”
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