Linked Together: Ask the Experts on Church History

These two post came across my feed reader on the same day last week, begging to be linked together.
What Day?
“The Gospel Coalition asked four Christian historians, ‘After AD 70, what day most changed the course of Christian history?’” The answers:
- The Muslim invasion of the Middle East in mid-seventh century.
- The day that Constantine was converted to Christianity.
- The day the Roman capital of Constantinople fell to the Ottoman Turks.
- The day George Whitefield spoke Jonathan Edwards’ church.
Read the whole post for explanations of each choice.
Which Controversy?
“In the recent issue of Credo Magazine, … we asked some top scholars the question, ‘Which controversy in church history should Christians know about today and why?’” The answers:
- The Reformation.
- Protestant Liberalism.
- Augustine and Pelagianism.
- Arianism.
Read everything the scholars had to say.
Update: Sort of related: Several “Firsts” in Christian Thought (Justin Taylor)
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