Rebecca Stark is the author of The Good Portion: Godthe second title in The Good Portion series.

The Good Portion: God explores what Scripture teaches about God in hopes that readers will see his perfection, worth, magnificence, and beauty as they study his triune nature, infinite attributes, and wondrous works. 


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Linked Together: Historical Christians You Should Know 

More suggested weekend reading. (Updated October 27.)

A Few Reformers
To get you ready for Reformation Day (October 31), the Ligonier Blog is running a short series of biographical sketches of the men behind the Reformation. 

  • Fortress for Truth: Martin Luther: “He was the pioneer Reformer, the one God first used to spark a transformation of Christianity and the Western world. He was the undisputed leader of the German Reformation. In a day of ecclesiastical corruptions and apostasies, he was a valiant champion of the truth; his powerful preaching and pen helped to restore the pure gospel.
  • Zurich Revolutionary: Ulrich Zwingli: “A first-generation Reformer, he is regarded as the founder of Swiss Protestantism. Furthermore, history remembers him as the first Reformed theologian. Though Calvin would later surpass Zwingli as a theologian, he would stand squarely on Zwingli’s broad shoulders.”
  • Prince of Translators: William Tyndale: “William Tyndale … made an enormous contribution to the Reformation in England. Many would say that he made the contribution by translating the Bible into English and overseeing its publication.  … Because of his powerful use of the English language in his Bible, this Reformer has been called “the father of modern English” … .
  • Covenant Theologian: Heinrich Bullinger: “As the heir to Ulrich Zwingli in Zurich, Switzerland, he consolidated and continued the Swiss Reformation that his predecessor had started… . During his forty-four years as the chief minister in Zurich, Bullinger’s literary output exceeded that of Martin Luther, John Calvin, and Zwingli combined. He was of monumental importance in the spread of Reformed teaching throughout the Reformation.”
  • Added October 27: Theologian for the Ages: John Calvin: “A world-class theologian, a renowned teacher, an ecclesiastical statesman, and a valiant Reformer, Calvin is seen by many as the greatest influence on the church since the first century. Apart from the biblical authors themselves, Calvin stands as the most influential minister of the Word the world has ever seen.”

Two Preachers
Meanwhile, at Out of the Ordinary, from two of my sister contributors:

  • Why I Love the Doctor: “[Martyn] Lloyd-Jones, a Welshman, began his career as a medical doctor, but after a couple of years, felt himself called to ministry. After ten years with a church in Wales, in 1939, he went to Westminster Chapel in London, where he served alongside G. Campbell Morgan, and eventually became the sole minister there. He is recognized as one of the 20th century’s greatest preachers. That was what he was above all, a preacher.”
  • Why I Love Spurgeon: “I truly believe God used this long-dead Baptist preacher to keep me from throwing in the towel and abandoning the faith. My weak and rather unbiblical understanding would never have stood the test, but He was faithful to give me a bigger glimpse of Himself in His power, His love, and His sovereignty. So I thank God for His faithful servants down through the ages, and I especially thank Him for Charles Spurgeon.”

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