Linked Together: Theological Questions

I’ve gone a whole month without much online reading, but I did read (or watch) these and recommend them to you.
How do you make a biblical case for the Trinity? (Brett Kunkle)
I’ve not struggled much with assurance, but people I love have, and, writes Nick Batzig, “some of the greatest ministers and hymn-writers in the history of the church struggled with assurance of salvation—namely, John Bunyan, John Owen, William Cowper, John Newton, Adolph Monod, etc.” Here is a list of five Puritan works to help the believer who wonders, “How can I be sure I am being saved?”
This is one question I do struggle with: What role does the Mosaic law play in the lives of Christians today? (Justin Taylor)
(I don’t quite buy any answer I’ve read—and it’s not because I haven’t read quite a bit on the issue. I just wish the answers given came together in a tidier package.)
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