Selected Reading

I read these recently and recommend them to you.
Examples of preaching Jesus from difficult OT passages
Okay, so I’m never going to preach, but I still found this piece valuable for its examples of ways to connect Old Testament passages to Jesus—or at least to God’s New Testament saving work.
Heavenly Clarity
It might seem at first like this is about John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress, but it’s really about the book of Hebrews.
Church History
Why Church History?
“In church history, we see men and women facing challenges not unlike the challenges before us today. We look back and we learn. We also learn from the mistakes and missteps of the past. And, though it is a cliché, learning can be fun. Family stories of the exploits of crazy uncles inform; they also entertain. It is the same with our history, our family story.” — Stephen Nichols
Five Biblical Points of Dordrecht
Because someone somewhere recently called the five points garbage:
“When we contemplate what Scripture says about the severity of man’s fallen condition, the glory of God’s eternal purpose to redeem a people, the perfection of the atoning sacrifice of Jesus, the sweetness of the power of God to bring sinners to Himself, and the assurance of God’s commitment to bring His people to glory by enabling them to persevere to the end, how can we not stand up and shout for joy. Far from being garbage, the five points of Dordrecht are full of the richness of the grace of God in the Gospel.” — Nicholas T. Batzig