Selected Reading

I read these recently and recommend them to you.
Hell Is Not Separation from God
No, “the real terror awaiting the unrepentant is God himself and his inescapable presence forever with his face turned against them.” It is “being excluded from God’s presence as the source of all blessedness, but not from God’s omnipresent lordship.” —Michael Horton
Eternal Life, Now and Then
In Christ, the blessedness of the age to come is ours today.
The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything
Yes, really!
Three Ways To Teach Teens to Think Theologically
“Teenagers are quickly becoming adults. Starving them from Truth and gorging them on games isn’t helpful in the long run. We can’t pacify them with watered-down, youth-sized versions of biblical teaching and counsel and expect them to develop adult-sized appetites down the road. Teenagers, when charitably given the opportunity, can exceed our expectations and grow in spiritual maturity.”—Lindsey Carlson
The Church
Loving the Church, For Better or Worse
“Yes, there is a dark side to the church as there is to all things in this fallen world. The church is not perfect. It has her share of malcontents and killjoys, her energy-sapping attention-getters and despondent hearts. Adullam’s cave has nothing on some churches I have seen, but none of this robs me of my love for the church..” —Derek Thomas
A Fresh Look at Prayer
Amy Hall recommends a “wonderful little book on prayer by Michael Reeves.” I’m interested and I thought you might be, too.