Selected Reading

I read or listened to these recently and recommend them to you.
Bible Interpetation
What Does ‘Born of Water and the Spirit’ Mean in John 3:5?
I’ve heard D. A. Carson answer this question, and maybe you have, too. But here his answer is spelled out in written form, so it’s easier to follow.
Practical Theology
Changing Tides and the Unchanging Savior
“There is one man who will never fail us, never let us down, never break his promises, never deceive us, never betray us and never give us false hopes. Jesus Christ is the unchanging God-man.” —Nicholas T. Batzig
What Does It Mean to Abide in Christ?
Sinclair Ferguson writes: “The exhortation to “abide” has been frequently misunderstood, as though it were a special, mystical, and indefinable experience. But Jesus makes clear that it actually involves a number of concrete realities.”
The Devil You Know
Three actions to apply against your adverary the devil.
Church History
Elisabeth Elliot
A short biographical sketch: “It was largely through the sacrifice of her husband and her desire to return to those same people who took his life, that she is known and has a place in church history.”