Selected Reading, October 17, 2020

A few suggestions for your weekend reading and listening.
Defining Terms
Worse Than We Think: What Total Depravity Is (and Is Not)
Robert Letham explains total depravity: “The reality of total depravity leaves no possibility of salvation by our own efforts. It points to our dire condition from the fall and the sovereign work of God in rescuing us. Only the Holy Spirit can change us and transform us into the image of Christ, who is the image of the invisible God.”
Semper Reformanda in Context
What was the original meaning of the phrase reformed and always reforming? What did Jodocus van Lodenstein mean when he used it way back in 1674?
Women’s Hope: Delighting in Doctrine
Here’s an interview I did with Dr. Shelbi Cullen and Kimberly Cummings for the Women’s Hope podcast. We talked about how I became interested in doctrine, what obstacles women face when they want to learn theology, and how to live out our theology, among other things.