Rebecca Stark is the author of The Good Portion: Godthe second title in The Good Portion series.

The Good Portion: God explores what Scripture teaches about God in hopes that readers will see his perfection, worth, magnificence, and beauty as they study his triune nature, infinite attributes, and wondrous works. 


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Sunday Hymn: Let Us Plead for Faith Alone


Let us plead for faith alone
Faith which by our works is shown;
God it is who jus­ti­fies,
Only faith the grace ap­plies.

Active faith that lives with­in,
Conquers hell and death and sin,
Hallows whom it first made whole,
Forms the Sav­ior in the soul.

Let us for this faith con­tend,
Sure sal­va­tion is the end;
Heaven al­rea­dy is be­gun,
Everlasting life is won.

Only let us per­se­vere
Till we see our Lord ap­pear,
Never from the Rock re­move,
Saved by faith which works by love.

—Charles Wesley

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