Rebecca Stark is the author of The Good Portion: Godthe second title in The Good Portion series.

The Good Portion: God explores what Scripture teaches about God in hopes that readers will see his perfection, worth, magnificence, and beauty as they study his triune nature, infinite attributes, and wondrous works. 


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Sunday Hymn: The Lord Is My Salvation




The grace of God has reached for me
And pulled me from a raging sea
And I am safe on this solid ground
The Lord is my salvation

I will not fear when darkness falls
His strength will help me scale these walls
I’ll see the dawn of the rising sun
The Lord is my salvation

Who is like the Lord, our God?
Strong to save, faithful in love
My debt is paid and the victory won
The Lord is my salvation

My hope is hidden in the Lord
He flowers each promise of His Word
When winter fades, I know spring will come
The Lord is my salvation

In times of waiting, times of need
When I know loss, when I am weak
I know His grace will renew these days
The Lord is my salvation

Who is like the Lord, our God?
Strong to save, faithful in love
My debt is paid and the victory won
The Lord is my salvation

And when I reach my final day
He will not leave me in the grave
But I will rise, He will call me home
The Lord is my salvation

Who is like the Lord, our God?
Strong to save, faithful in love
My debt is paid and the victory won
The Lord is my salvation

Glory be to God the Father
Glory be to God the Son
Glory be to God the Spirit
The Lord is our salvation

Glory be to God the Father
Glory be to God the Son
Glory be to God the Spirit
The Lord is our salvation

The Lord is our salvation
The Lord is our salvation


Nathan Nockels, Jonas Myrin, Keith Getty, Kristyn Getty ©2016 Getty Music Publishing.

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