Everything I Know About Coyotes Without Looking Anything Up

It’s January and I’ve been seeing the coyotes, so I thought of this old post. The original posting had 15 comments with coyote stories. Everyone, it seems, has one. What’s yours?
I’ve been thinking that I should write a blog post about coyotes, so in preparation, I started doing a little research. I can sum up all the material I found in one word: boring. And coyotes—for those who’ve had no coyote encounters and might not know—are not boring. Here, then, is the plan: Phfft! to all the reference articles, and forward ho! without them.
Let’s talk first about what we call these wild dogs. Did you know that they have them in northern Minnesota where I grew up, but they don’t call them coyotes? They call them brush wolves. Old farmers there will tell you that northern Minnesota has no coyotes, only timber wolves and brush wolves, but a coyote by any other name is still a coyote. What’s more, even when we agree that the word coyote is their proper name, we may not agree on how to pronounce it. My dad, a Kansas farm kid turned Colorado cowboy, calls them ky-oats (first syllable rhymes with sky, second syllable with porridge, accent on the first syllable), but in the Yukon and almost everywhere else, they’re called ky-oat-tees (sky, porridge, type of shirt, accent on the second syllable). My dad always told me that only silly sissified city folk called them ky-oat-tees, but I’ve since learned that this is not completely accurate.
Here where I live, now is the time of year when we are most likely to have coyotes right around our homes. Food is more scarce in the bush during the dead of winter, so coyotes come to town to wander the streets looking for tasty garbage or available small pets. Several years ago, on a forty below day, I walked to my local elementary school to do some reading with students. As I approached the school, I noticed a coyote digging through the garbage can right next to the main entrance of the school. He saw me, grabbed a full lunch bag in his mouth and trotted off. Lately we’ve had a coyote strolling the street in front of our house, and I suspect that when the garbage can beside the house was overturned and the remains our yummy food garbage spread down the driveway, across the street, and on into the bush, it was coyote work.
The small pet thing is the reason we don’t let our cat Leroy outside except by mistake. Sure he’s sixteen pound of pure muscle and afraid of nothing—some of the local big dogs have lost fights with him—but he’s no roadrunner. Neither was our previous dog, an old, deaf, lame Samoyed, who had his own won’t-you-be-my-dinner run-in with coyotes.
Here’s the story, but I’ll give you fair warning: The dog doesn’t die in the end, so this one won’t win a Newbery Medal for children’s literature. On a January morning several years ago, I left the gate open while fetching something from the garage. The dog wandered out, as he often did, and I thought nothing much of it. He’d often go down the street a bit, greet anyone out and about, and make his way home again. No worry, right? But that day something bothered me and I went out to fetch him just in time to see him loping off into the bush after a coyote. Then I saw the second coyote fold in behind from out of nowhere and I knew our old dog was a goner. He was deaf, remember, so calling him back to me was useless. But he turned, glanced back and saw me, and I motioned for him to come. For once in his life, he obeyed on command, and it saved his live.
Part of what makes coyotes so interesting is that they’re not especially frightened of us. Perhaps that’s why they’ve adapted so well—perhaps too well—to the spread of civilization. Every few years, someone here in Whitehorse has a run-in with a coyote. I don’t think anyone’s been bitten, but if I remember correctly, a woman carrying a bag of groceries had one tug on her clothing with his teeth. I suspect he was more interested in eating her groceries than eating her, but I’m not volunteering to be the guinea pig to test out my hypothesis.
Not only are coyotes not scared of us, but they can be interested in what we’re doing. A few days ago, oldest son was whistling a tune in the house while the friendly neighbourhood coyote was traipsing by. The coyote stopped in front of the house, looked toward the window, cocked his head and listened for 15 seconds or so before he went on his way. What do you suppose he was thinking?
Sometimes, if you howl outside at night, the coyotes will howl back. Don’t be fooled into thinking that you’ve tricked them and they think you’re just another coyote. They know who you are, and we know this because coyote howls responding to humans are less complex than howls responding to other coyotes. They know who we are and they’re dumbing it down for us.
One last thing I’ve noticed about coyotes is that, for the most part, they are wild dogs on a mission. When you take your family dog for a walk unleashed, she probably darts here and there, sniffing this and that. Not so with the coyote. Coyotes do not stop to smell the roses and only pause briefly to hear the whistling. Once or twice, I’ve seen a pair of coyotes romping around, but most often, they are traveling in a bee-line to wherever it is they are going. They are business travelers only and workaholics. Do you think that’s the key to their success?
Serendipitous morsel: Today’s final jeopardy answer was, “The middle initial for this 1949 movie critter stands for Ethelbert.” Do you know the question?
And while we’re at it, do you have a coyote tidbit or story to share? No reference material allowed!
Reader Comments (18)
My old "stomping grounds" as a child was north of where you lived. My dad's family farm is in Manitoba. We spend most weekends and summers there when I was a child, and I spent a great deal of time there as a teenager, and even once I had my own children. My aunt and uncle own a beef farm, and of course, there are loads of coyotes there. My aunt and uncle pronounce it "ky-oot." They have had years where the problem has been very bad and some years not so bad. There have been occasions when a stray calf as been injured because of a wandering pack of them. The worst they seem to do is rile the beasts up so that they break fences, injure each other and make it hard to get into a pen with them.
One year, during spring calving, there was a pack of them wandering and howling about. Of course, there is no municipal garbage pick up, and in spring, my aunt and uncle's garbage dump site is a veritable treasure trove of goodies. It was late evening and my aunt went out to check a cow that was about to give birth. There was a group of them hovering very close to the barn, so close that the cow she was checking kind of freaked out and knocked my aunt flying.
My aunt lost consciousness briefly, and when she came to, she was under the cow, struggling to get up. She had a cracked collarbone, and after that, she seemed to lose her sense of taste and some of her sense of smell. After that episode, they bought a Great Pyrenees dog who kept the coyotes away from the yard.
I don't seem to see them as much here in Southern Ontario, but my memories are full of the sounds of their baying as we went to sleep at the farm.
I've never seen a coyote in my life, we don't have them over here in the UK as far as I know. But we prounouce it Coy-oat-tee, as in shy, porridge, clothing. Not that we have to use it much, obviously.
When my parents moved to Kansas, I was always getting corrected for mispronouncing the word. Of course, I was saying it with a Spanish accent. ;-)
"KY-oats," "ky-oat-tees," "Coy-oat-tees" -- just call 'em "vermin," I say. ;-)
As for the Jeopardy question, I guess there's some benefit to having grown up watching a steady stream of Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies cartoons. :-)
Last night, we watched a nature documentary on the coyote packs that were re-introduced to Yellowstone a few years ago. Whomever is responsible for this film found that the coyotes and grizzly bears are beginning to forge a year round relationship. The film showed one bear and a pack of coyotes walking/running together. The coyotes took down an elk. After a few minutes of letting the pack eat, the bear ran off the coyotes and started eating his share. One bear in particular did not go into hibernation because he was able to take advantage of the coyotes' prey year round. It was very interesting. I'm not sure, though, what the coyotes were getting out of the relationship.
I've also heard them called Ky-utes, with emphasis on the Ky (or is it utes?).
Here's my theory. See what you think. Ky-utes (or as first commenter Kim wrote, Ky-oots) is Northern Ontario or Manitoban Canadian. Probably the same people that pronounce "about" as "aboot."
And I see that threegirldad knows the question.
I'm not sure, though, what the coyotes were getting out of the relationship.
It sounds to me like they are being used. :)
You know what is funny? My aunt and uncle do not say "aboot." However, some of their friends do say that. My cousin (their daughter) married a fellow from Alberta who moved onto the farm with them. He did call them Ky-oat-ees (emphasis on the second syllable), but he's converted to the other way of saying it.
Growing up in Texas and New Mexico we (and everyone we knew) used both pronunciations, without any particular system to it. But ky-oat-tees was probably more common.
Here's what my dictionary says about pronunciation:
coyote |ˈkīˌōt; kīˈōtē|
But no ki-oot there.
No, I didn't think "ki-oot" was correct. After all, it would never do to have Wile E. Ki-oot ...
J. Frank Dobie wrote an excellent non-fiction book about coyotes: The Voice of the Coyote. You would really enjoy reading it.
That sounds interesting. I'll have to look into it. Thanks for the recommendation.
Nary a coyote story here. I'm from Alabama and a city girl at that. Enough said.
You might be surprised at the cities that have coyotes on the streets.
I've seen coyotes (regardless of how you want to say it) a number of times in my life.
I'm just glad I don't have any near my yard as they like rabbits, and I'd rather they didn't eat mine. :)
Oh yes, I'm sure they'd love to eat rabbits.