Round the Sphere Again: Haiti Edition

January 19: See orphan care update below.
January 20: Added one more adoption of Haitian orphans link.
There’s nothing original for me to say, is there? So I’ve collected a few links to help you decide what you can do in order to be merciful as our Father is merciful.
In the midst of this unspeakable tragedy, Christ would have us rush to aid the suffering people of Haiti, and rush to tell the Haitian people of his love, his cross, and salvation in his name alone. (Al Mohler in Does God Hate Haiti? at The Gospel Coalition Blog)
Trusted Relief Agencies
- The Gospel Coalition has a list.
- Leslie Wiggins recommends Compassion International.
- 9 Marks Blog points us to The Baptist Haiti Mission.
- Phil Johnson includes a short list of organizations in a post that contains some descriptions of things in Hait from a missionary there. (Pyromaniacs)
- Desiring God recommends these 11 charities.
If you’re Canadian, you know that the Canadian government has announced that it will match our relief donations up to a total of $50 million. For your donation to be eligible for matching funds, your chosen relief organization will have to be a registered charity. You can find out if it is using this form.
Here are a few registered charities for you to consider.

Update: On Haitian Orphans
Reader Comments (5)
Is there a website for just sending me a couple of those kids?
Here's info on adopting from Haiti.
Okay, I added a whole orphan update.
Did you hear about the orphan Ester whose parents were looking for her? It was on nightline. They are from Pella and katie has met them. The girl is safe at home with her parents now.
Cool! I'm glad they got her out of there.