November of Thanksgiving 29

I’m thankful for the advent season that we’ve just started. We’re anticipating Christ’s first coming, putting ourselves back, in a way, to the time before the central event in the history of the world, to a time when it was clear that the world desperately needed a saviour, but there was not one….yet.
We can only go back there, of course, in our imaginations, because we live on the bright side of history. Everything has changed for us because salvation is already here. But it’s good for us to think about the time before—the dark side, if you will—because it makes us more thankful, more glad, more joyous, that God planned, before creation, for that Light to come, and at the right time, the Light came.
Others thanking God today:
- Diane is thankful for work. (Make sure you click through and see the work she’s writing about)
- Becky has a long list of things.
- Kim (The Upward Call) is thankful for a finished lesson.
- Lisa is thankful for weakness.
- Persis is thankful for pleasant surprises.
- Victoria is thankful for flowers.
- Joan is thankful for her job.
- Lindsay is thankful for flight benefits. (I get those, too, and they really are something to be thankful for.)
- Staci is thankful she has people to miss.
Update 8:30pm PST:
- Rosemary is thankful that you’ve all been thankful because your posts have been a blessing.
- Kim (Hiraeth) is thankful for Spiritual Blessings in Christ.
- Aadel is thankful “that I worship the “light of revelation” Jesus Christ.”
- Trisha is thankful for the gift of sympathy.
- Dorothy is thankful for the Holy Spirit.
- Sandra is thankful for frost on the gate.
- Amy in Peru is thankful for a hard-working, God-fearing man.
- Elle is thankful for an excellent doctor’s report.
You can get this button from Lisa of Lisa Notes
What are you thankful for today?
I’ll be back later to add links to additional posts.
Do you want to participate, too? You’ll find instructions here for the ways both bloggers and nonbloggers can join in the thanksgiving.
If I’ve missed your post or messed up a link, please tell me. If you miss a day or more, you’ll need to send me the link to your next thanksgiving post.
Reader Comments (2)
I'm thankful I'm not a teenager.
I'm thankful I'm not a teenager.
I'm with you on that one. :)