Linked Together: Setting the Record Straight

regarding some church history stories I’ve read. You may be familiar with these exaggerated or false accounts, too.
Mrs. B. B. Warfield
“In biographical sketches of Warfield today, it is common to read of Annie’s ill-health, but … the story frequently goes a bit beyond the historical evidence. Reports that she was struck by lightning early in marriage, paralyzed the rest of her life, that Warfield provided meticulous care for his invalid wife for the entirety of their marriage, and such, are common.” —Read the whole post from Fred Zaspel (Credo Magazine).
Jan Hus
It is very unlikely that the phrase his/her/your goose is cooked came from the story of the martyrdom of Jan Hus (World Wide Words).
Related: A few years ago I posted on what is probably a mythical account of Jan Hus’s last words: Words to Die By and Swan Song for the Goose Quote.
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